Addo Elephant Park Port Elizabeth up fees

Gate fee increase at Addo Elephant National Park

Entry tariffs to Addo Elephant National Park outside Port Elizabeth have increased from Thursday, 1 November 2018. 

“All funds generated from conservation fees are used with the primary mandate of South African National Parks which is to oversee the conservation of South Africa’s biodiversity, landscapes, seascapes and associated heritage assets through a system of national parks,” SANParks said.

“This will see the daily conservation fees for South African citizens increase to R77 and R39 for children under the age of 12. Children under two enter for free.”

It added that visitors from SADC countries now pay R154 from 1 November whilst those from all other foreign countries may expect to pay R307. 

“The rate for children is always half the price of the adults – at R77 and R154 respectively.

“Conservation fees are discounted for South African citizens in view of the financially disadvantaged status of the majority of people and the contribution by taxpayers to government funds,” SANParks said.

General Manager: Media, PR & Stakeholder Relations, Rey Thakhuli, said, “The parks managed by SANParks that protect rhino populations will have a marginally higher increase in the annual conservation fee to assist with the rising operational costs of anti-poaching activities. The conservation fee therefore includes a portion dedicated to rhino conservation at these parks.”

For individual park increases please see attached list of conservation fees for all national parks or visit

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